Email Marketing

  • Kill City Email Campaigns

    Kill City Email Campaigns

    These email campaign designs I did for Kill City are still some of my favorite design work I’ve one. I just love the vibe.

  • ABCmouse Email Campaigns

    ABCmouse Email Campaigns

    I worked on a wide variety and high density of email campaigns throughout my decade at Age of Learning.

  • Lip Service Email Campaigns

    Lip Service Email Campaigns

    During my time working for Lip Service, I designed a lot of custom emails. We sent out at least two emails every week, for both the retail and wholesale business. I designed and produced many emails during my time working for Lip Service. The company sent out several weekly emails for their retail and wholesale…

  • Beautiful Perfumes Cross-Media Campaign
  • Zivity Design Overhaul

    Zivity Design Overhaul

    Back in the earlier days of the internet, this was one of my favorite projects I had the pleasure to work on. Cyan Banister needed a fresh look for her new enterprise, called Zivity, an online magazine dedicated to creative and sensual photography. I developed this clean, corporate-but-still-kinda-sexy look for the new website, and created…